IllumiRate / Business / Marketing / Market Research / Trends

Market Research : Trends


1 - 5 of 5 entries.

  • Google Trends
    Interactive research tool which allows people to quickly graph the popularity of search terms over time and compare search terms against one another.
  • Trend Hunter
    Community tracking new trends innovations in fashion, style, design & pop culture.
  • Trends Journal
    Service by Gerald Celente forecasting trends worldwide since 1980, delivering concise, deployable success strategies.
  • Trendsspotting
    Publishes trends market research, delivering consumer insights based on web metrics, search behavior, social media monitoring and market data.
  • TrendWatching
    Service tracking consumer trends and insights from around the world, helping businesses understand new global and regional trends and uncover innovation opportunities.

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Last Updated: 15-Oct-2020